Questions & Answers

QUESTION: Is there any research out there that supports chiropractic care?

ANSWER: Now more than ever there is substantial research that provides statistical and clinical evidence that chiropractic care is an effective treatment for musculoskeletal pain including, but not limited to, back pain, herniated discs, sciatica, tension-type headaches, cervicogenic head, neck pain, mid back pain, pinched nerves, etc. Many of these research studies have been funded by the federal government. There is also research currently going on as to the effectiveness of chiropractic care for the treatment of non-musculoskeletal conditions such as the following link which is a news clip from Good Morning America about treatment of high blood pressure.

Click here to watch.

Please refer to the following link from the American Chiropractic Association for articles related to the above topics, and for studies evaluating the efficacy of chiropractic and low back pain:

The following link evaluates the RAND study on chiropractic and low back pain; this is an excerpt:

RAND researchers were the first to systematically evaluate all available data on spinal manipulation for low-back pain. Their 1992 report was a watershed study that triggered a national review of chiropractic and other forms of alternative health care. Their conclusions: lumbar (lower-back) spinal manipulation hastens recovery from acute low-back pain. Not enough data were available to evaluate its long-term effect on chronic (more than 13 weeks' duration) low-back pain. RAND researchers used the same analytical approach to evaluate treatment of the neck for neck pain and headache. They looked at studies that evaluated mobilization and physical therapy as well as manipulation. Their findings: (1) mobilization--but not manipulation or physical therapy--probably provides at least short-term relief from acute neck pain; (2) manipulation is probably slightly better than mobilization and physical therapy for subacute (3 to 13 weeks' duration) or chronic neck pain, (3) manipulation and/or mobilization may be beneficial for muscle tension headache,and all three treatments are probably better than standard medical care, such as muscle relaxants, hot packs, etc.

For more information visit

Question: I’ve heard once you start seeing a chiropractor, you have to go forever? Is that true?

Answer: Many people come into our office stating that “someone” told them this, so let’s consider the following example to give a complete answer. It is about going to the dentist: Most people today understand that one should go to the dentist BEFORE your teeth start to hurt, to get a check-up, cleaning, etc. By the time you actually feel any pain in the tooth, damage to your tooth is most likely already there. People understand that routine dental care will help your teeth remain healthy for a long time. The same is true of chiropractic care for your spine. It is important to remember that, just like the teeth, the spine experiences stress on it as you walk, bend, lift, sit and stand for prolonged periods, and during a variety of other activities- like watching your 2 and 5 year old children (or grandchildren) all day. By receiving regular chiropractic care, your spine and entire body will function at a higher level. You will have more flexibility, energy and be better able to deal with the stresses that everyone faces throughout their life. So, you can only go to the chiropractor just when you feel pain, and you will get relief from that pain. However, like any good and healthy habit, it’s better to continue to have regular chiropractic care so that you remain pain free and have your entire body functioning at its maximum potential.

Question: Do medical doctors consider chiropractic treatment to be effective?

Answer: Fifty years ago medical doctors did not understand the principles of chiropractic and how it could help patients. Times have changed and now many major research studies, including ones funded by the federal government, have shown the superiority of chiropractic in helping people with a variety of conditions. Medical doctors have developed a better understanding as to the benefits of chiropractic care. Many people have returned to their medical doctors and told them about the great results they experienced at their chiropractors office. Because of this, now there are a great deal of medical doctors who have established regular referral relationships with chiropractic offices. Hospitals across the country, including the Veteran's hospitals (VA), have chiropractors on staff, and many chiropractic offices have medical doctors on staff. Chiropractors and medical doctors are now much more comfortable working together in cases where medical care is necessary as an adjunct to chiropractic care.